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Contact Us

Join the Network

We have a database of all those carers who wish to be linked into the Network, and welcome all newcomers. There is no cost involved, needless to say. Fill in the form below and press "Submit".

The co-chairs of the Carers sub-group of the LD Partnership Board are:

Mark Feeny

Tel: 01924 496095
Email: mark@feeny.name and

Jill Robson

Tel: 01484 340811
Email: jill.robson@me.com


Other useful websites that you may wish to visit

Learning Disability Partnership Board website - http://www.kirklees.gov.uk/community/ld

Parents of children with additional needs (PCAN) -http://www.pcankirklees.org

Carers Count - www.carerscount.org.uk

Connect to Support - www.connecttosupport.org

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